Food Element Mixed Dal 500 gm - All Food Element

All Food Element

কুরিয়ার সার্ভিস এর মাধ্যমে ৬৪ জেলায় আমাদের সকল পণ্য পৌঁছে দেবো আপনার কাছে ইনশাআল্লাহ। Contac: 01585916163

Food price_59
Mixed Dal 500 gm

Mixed Dal 500 gm

Short Description:

Product Description

Mixed Dal is basically a mixture of many kinds of dal. As it is a mixture it is able to give you a different taste.

Mixed Dal Contains:

1. Mug daal

2. Indian Moshur Daal

3. Anchor Daal

4. Khesari Dal

5. Mash Daal


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